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INSPIRING LOVE : Burn victim Turia Pitt – Real Story

INSPIRING LOVE:Burn victim Turia Pitt – Real Story

People love and prove their love to an extent that some of us are left surprised and awe-struck that how somebody can do things like these just out of love.

Well it’s a widely known quote that love can do wonders and can change, encourage, support, build, groom, strengthen and empowers a human being so strongly and miraculously that our minds are left numb with the thinking as to how it happened and how is that even possible?

So today out of many stories I chose one to narrate. It is one extraordinary story that would leave you an everlasting impression of how wondrous love can be. How generous and how tremendous it is…this word, this feeling called love.

It is a story of a model and her “the man”. Her name is TURIA PITT. She is an Australian ex-model. She was such a beautiful girl and she met this supercool guy MICHAEL HOSKIN. They fell in love which is too ordinary. They got engaged. They got married. And they are living happily ever after.

But there is a little twist in this whole story. TURIA PITT got trapped by grassfire in a 100km ultra-marathon in the Kimberley. She was all burnt and 65-70% of her body got burns.


She lost her fingers and thumb. She spent five months in hospital. And this guy with golden heart left everything, literally each and everything and dedicated all of his time to her care and recovery. He quit his job and spent all his time and energies trying to get her better and get recovered and to be there by her side during the worst nightmares of her life. He didn’t run away. He could have if he had tried to, wanted to. But he didn’t run away. He took the responsibility; he understood the commitment and proved his words.



In one of his interviews he was asked:

“Did you at any moment think about leaving her and hiring someone to take care of her and moving on with your life?”

To which this beautiful man answered in such touching words:

“I married her soul, her character, and she is the only woman that will continue to fulfill my dreams.”

So that is how you prove your words, your love and your commitment. And this is what a really true, devoted, loving man or a woman would do for their better half. No matter what may come, they will never leave their love alone and they would suffer with them and share their happiest moments all the same.

Hope we would learn something from this heart touching story. The true integrity of love.

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