Swope, Rodante P.A. evolved from a solo practice first formed in 1979. Our law firm ranges in size from eight to twelve attorneys, with a total of about 30 staff, including paralegals, legal assistants, administrative pe
While we certainly have grown in order to meet the unique needs of our clients and special challenges of today’s legal environment, we made no effort to expand beyond our current size, and believe strongly that our clients will best be served if we stay small. Also, unlike many law firms, we do not attempt to handle all types of legal matters. On the contrary, we have defined a tightly focused mission to handle only one thing: claims for people who have been catastrophically injured or the victims of insurance bad faith.
Automobile manufacturers like Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce existed and outperformed large companies thousands of times their size. They did this by concentrating on producing the highest quality cars within a limited range. In that same spirit, we have focused our firm on civil litigation and trials, and seek to offer the finest representation possible within that field.
We do not seek to be real estate lawyers, income tax lawyers, securities lawyers, or bankers’ lawyers. There are other lawyers for those matters and we are happy to leave them quietly in their work.
With the vast majority of our cases coming from co-counsel attorneys, we consider it a great honor to have earned the respect and trust of our esteemed colleagues. In practice for nearly 40 years, our firm has developed a comprehensive approach to handling complicated personal injury and insurance bad faith cases drawing upon strength and experience to defeat the most powerful of opponents.
We understand that most lawyers encounter very few catastrophic claims in their careers, and that when you do, you want nothing less than the absolute maximum for your client. You need a firm you can trust to have the same commitment you do, and with experience to confidently guide your client on the journey to recovery. With a national reputation for litigating, we’re proud to offer the finest representation possible, working closely with referring co-counsel to achieve justice for our clients.