
Dr. Qaisar Usmani is a Board Certified Rheumatologist practicing in Hamilton, New Jersey. He has more than 20 years of experience in rheumatology. Currently, he is working as a Section Chief, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Dr. Qaisar Usmani is a Board Certified Rheumatologist practicing in Hamilton, New Jersey. He has more than 20 years of experience in rheumatology. Currently, he is working as a Section Chief, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis, Monmouth Medical Center. 

World Osteoporosis Day

Globally, 1/3 women and 1/5 men 50 years and above suffer an osteoporotic fracture. Osteoporosis makes your bones weaker and fragile, and thus they break easily – even with a minor fall, a knock, a sneeze, or a quick movement.






Stages of Osteoarthritis:

Early OA:

Joint pain occurs with particular physical activities.

Pain triggered by a particular movement.

Mid OA:

Along with symptoms, pain occurs sporadically.

Over time pain become more frequent.

May cause issues with daily functioning.

Late OA:

Dull ache

Pain becomes constant.














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