Intelecis, Inc.

We Help Businesses Avoid Painful and cost Security Breaches. Intelecis is a leading Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) serving business clients in the United States and United Kingdom. We are committed to making s

As an IT Support & CyberSecurity service provider to small and medium businesses, we are capable of providing SMB\'s with the same enterprise-level IT security services that large sophisticated Fortune 500 companies have, at a budget that a small and mid-market business can afford. Our clients are made up of 2 types of companies: 1. Companies that do not have their own in-house IT manager or department. These companies typically have 9 to 99 computer using employees. 2. Companies that have their own in-house IT manager or department. These companies typically have over 100 computer using employees. So whether your company has in-house IT resources or not, add our IT Security specialists to your company\'s team when: • You’ve embraced the fact that in order to grow, you need to focus on strategic-level tasks, outsourcing critical pieces of your business to experts. • You know you don’t meet industry regulations, but you’re not sure how to fix that. • You’re concerned about your burden rate and you need your staff’s computers working when they’re on the clock. • You need business-focused results, not just the latest tech gadget. • You can’t sleep at night because “you don’t know what you don’t know” when it comes to securing your network. • You tried a cheap provider and learned that Grandma was right: you do get what you pay for. For qualified new prospective clients, we offer a 21-Point CyberSecurity Risk Assessment at no charge. Go to and complete the online form and we will let you know if you qualify.


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