GetMeUsedCarParts New Zealand

A free service to connect Kiwis and wreckers who need used car parts from vehicle recyclers. Just submit your parts request with car and part details and wreckers will respond to you directly.

We know that when our vehicles break-down it is usually a car part that needs to be replaced before we can get the car back on the road. People who know how to save money will usually contact car wreckers to find a suitable part.

Buying used car parts is excellent for saving money and also for the environment but it can be a great pain to ring around to see if the part is available and who is offering the best price.

GetMeUsedCarParts New Zealand makes this task easy as all you have to do is fill out a simple form with vehicle and part information and your contact information - this form is sent to wreckers around New Zealand.

You will receive replies directly from auto dismantlers and you choose who to buy from.

You can also find local wreckers in New Zealand on GetMeUsedCarParts.

We also maintain an up-to-date list of vehicles being currently dismantled by auto recyclers in major cities, such as, Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington.

Best of all this is a free service and no fees or commissions are charged to any party at any time.


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