Bydrec, Inc

Bydrec, Inc. is a custom software development company that specializes in nearshore outsourcing. With over 17 years in the business, we leverage our expertise to bring clients increased operational efficiency and faster.

Bydrec is a nearshore software development company that provides bilingual software engineers to clients with full-time outsourcing needs. We were founded in 2012 by tech professionals with over 20 years of experience, and we prioritize productivity.

Our primary headquarters are in Northern California, with a second location based out of Colombia, South America. By operating in this manner, we have a time zone advantage over our Asian and European competitors. This increased communication between teammates and clients has led to fewer delays and the achievement of more project goals.

By partnering with exceptional South American developers, we can provide you with access to highly skilled software talent at a fraction of the cost of their U.S.-based counterparts. With our team of dedicated developers working full-time as an extension of your internal staff, we're confident that we can deliver results that exceed your expectations at a competitive price.

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software development company


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