Greg Smith Canine Consulting

You and your pet get treated like family here at Greg Smith Canine Consulting. Our obedience training and dog training in the Pittsburgh, PA area will provide you and everyone else superior results.

You benefit from our dedication to reaching success with controlling your pet’s behavior, while never having to break your pet’s spirit. You and your pet get treated like family here at Greg Smith Canine Consulting. Our obedience training and dog training in the Pittsburgh, PA area will provide you and everyone else superior results. We proudly service federal and government agencies, law enforcement agencies, personal owners, other pet trainers, and much more! Training No matter how big or small the behavior issues are, we can solve your problems while maintaining respect with your lovable family member. Lodging Let your pets experience the difference of pampering of a home environment with professionals while you are away. Transportation Your pet’s personal driver will meet your pet's every need, such as frequent stops or needing a buddy to calm him or her down. With our personal, professional services you will benefit from Continual experienced group training classes Behavioral pet lodging for all pets Transportation available for pet lodging Long distance or out of state transportation for all pets Pet evaluations, private training & training while boarding Change your pet's bad habits. Create the lifestyle you want. Enjoy your pet again.

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Dog Trainer


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