Looking for international or national math contests for students? Check out our selection for elementary, middle, and high school students, including the International Math Contest and USA/Canada/India Math Contests.

I am Dr. Shubhrangshu Dasgupta, an Associate Professor in Physics at IIT Ropar and also the Head Director of International Mathematical Contest (IMC).We are very pleased to be hosting this Math Contest for students from all over the world starting this year. We hope that many students from all over the world will gain more interest to study mathematics in-depth through their participation in this contest. Mathematics is the foundation of all fields; so studying mathematics in depth will be immensely helpful when you are learning all other subjects, including Science. Through this Math Contest, we want to help all students to learn how to study mathematics and how to use it. At IMC, we promise to provide the best math content through thorough research and development. To host this event, we are bringing together professors and teachers in Maths and Science from different countries, along with authors and teams who previously developed the Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment (SMILE) Math Contest. In addition to the Math Contest, we will also be hosting the International Research Paper of Stem Contest (IRPSC) for the first time this year. We will be selecting the creative writings of students based on mathematics and science and publishing them on the site as a journal. By showing how students use the mathematics and science we study at school, we want to give many students an opportunity to gain more interested in math and science subjects, and also study them more deeply. Our team of professors and teachers at IMC will select the best-quality papers, and we will recognize the efforts of the student authors of these papers by awards and certificates. This will greatly benefit them while applying to colleges and universities for higher studies. We hope that IMC's Math Contest and Research Paper Contest will encourage many students to come forward to study math and science in a new perspective.


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