Archetype Health

Healers of the human body have been around almost as long as the humans\' existence. In 1895, the profession of chiropractic was born in Davenport Iowa. B.J. Palmer added the methodology of science to manipulating bones,

Chiropractic Extremity Adjustment and Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment

Archetype wants to bring you back to your best state of health and wellness, optimized for you specifically. Schedule your health evaluation today!



Dr. John Palmer brings over 10 years experience in chiropractic and healthcare to our practice. A graduate of Life Chiropractic College, he’s passionate about giving patients the tools to manage their own wellness every day. He studied advanced chiropractic techniques while working in Iceland, and he is committed to bringing chiropractic treatment to underserved communities around the world, regularly doing mission work in Dominican Republic, Haiti, India, and Iceland.


Excellent health is not a destination–it is a journey. Without proactively addressing the core tenets of the Five Foundations of Health, it is easy to slip into the modern, American way of managing symptoms. This method has left us sick, in pain, and worn out. Archetype wants to bring you back to the best state of health and wellness, optimized for you specifically.

The key to being happy with where you are, how you feel, and what you aspire to do has more to do with your willingness and availability than it does physical ability. It has more to do with your potential to learn and grow and to discover new places than it does with where we are and the capacity we think we have to get better.


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