Remocon - Vancouver

Keyscan Compatible Key Fobs in Canada |

Are you looking for key fobs online? is a local company which supply Keyscan Compatible Key Fobs in Canada. was founded in 2015. We supply stratas/buildings with key fobs that are no longer supported by manufacturers. We strive to offer the best and quickest customer service. All our key fobs are backed by our one year guarantee. Please feel free to contact us to learn more!


Discontinuation of TX4_PRX

The tx4_prx was discontinued by KeyScan and is no longer produced. They may still be found online but usually in a used condition or in very limited supply. Buildings must now choose to upgrade their entire system for tens of thousands of dollars. Resulting in special levies or use of their contingency reserve fund. Alternatively, they may choose to order after market key fobs such as the RMC-555. We are able to supply as many RMC-555 Key fobs as needed by our customers for the indefinite future.

The Perfect Replacement Key Fob

The RMC-555 is a complete replacement for the KeyScan TX_PRX key fob. Each key fob is made of high-quality ABS plastic and metal chain designed to last for years. As well each fob is pre-programmed to send a unique traceable ID. Each key fob also includes a pre-programmed HID chip.

Ease of Use of RMC-555

Use of the RMC-555 is the same as the tx4_prx. The RMC-555 comes with 4 buttons exactly like the original does. It sends out a 433mhz rolling code in the exact format as the original key fobs. To add to your system, you simply have to enter the batch and user code in the same fashion as the original. When a user uses the key fob, your system should log it exactly as the original would log a user’s entry. The only difference between the original and the RMC 555 is the physical shell.

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