
Non conformance (NC) is an ISO 9000 audit designation indicating the quality management system or a portion of it does not meet the requirements established by ISO 9000.

These 4 ways will definitly help you minimizing non conformance there by helping you to improve thon conformance (NC) is an ISO 9000 audit designation indicating the quality management system or a portion of it does not meet the requirements established by ISO 9000. Non-conformance is a sign that something went wrong in a service, process, product or in the system itself by not meeting a certain set of specifications.  The existence of a non conformance implies that some aspects of a company’s standard operating procedures are not being followed or they need to be modified or even updated.e quality

These deviations can be identified through internal and external audits, customer complaints, material inspection or routine testing. A non-conformance report is then prepared.



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