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The use of Norco is common to treat obesity/ Norco for weight loss a common query for many. This medicine tends to cause PPH. PPH is a lung disease that can cause death. However, it is a rare lung disease. PPH is a high blood pressure type that can Trigger arteries of lungs and the heart from the right side. Its symptoms are heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, change of color of lips and skin, feeling of lethargy and Edema (the swelling of legs and ankles).
Norco can cause harm to your heart valves. Your valves are not likely to close appropriately and perhaps start leaking. This whole thing is expected to interrupt the flow of blood through your heart to your body. The signs that indicate this issue are fatigue and weakness, chest pain and abnormal heartbeat.
Now, let’s talk if it works or not so yes, it does make the difference. It helps you in losing weight. It is not recommended for every person just individuals after a certain weight can opt for it.