Healthy Consumer Physical Therapy Clinic In Lansing MI

At Healthy Consumer Physical Therapy Clinic In Lansing MI, we understand that every single person’s pain is unique, which is why our first step is to get a deep understanding of what is happening to your body, and how it

Healthy Consumer Physical Therapy Clinic believe that treatment for your problem areas should rarely be painful or uncomfortable.This is why our first step, before we do anything, is to listen to your story and complete a one-on-one evaluation. That way we get a deep understanding of what’s going on; not just with your body, but also how it’s impacting your life.We’ll sit down together and prioritize where we can make IMMEDIATE changes to reduce pain or discomfort. After your one-on-one evaluation, we’ll use gentle methods that help soothe your aching joints or muscles.

Working Hours :- Mon - 9am–7pm
Tue - 7am–6:30pm
Wed - 7am–6pm
Thu - 7am–7pm
Fri - 7am–3pm

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