B/D Consulting Associates

BDCA is a consortium of highly skilled consultants who specialize in delivering an extensive range of bespoke solutions and cutting-edge products catered specifically to meet the diverse requirements of enterprises.

BDCA, a reputable consulting firm, specializes in providing a wide range of comprehensive services and cutting-edge products tailored to meet the unique requirements of financial services firms. With a strong commitment to delivering the highest level of expertise and customer service in the industry, BDCA values the relationships fostered with each client. We diligently strive to provide personalized and cost-effective solutions that are specifically designed to fit the individual needs and budget constraints of our esteemed clients. Whether you are a novice in the broker dealer industry or already have an established business, BDCA is well-equipped to offer an extensive portfolio of services and products that will enable you to focus on the core aspects of running a successful broker dealer. Our diligent team takes the time to thoroughly understand your business and collaborates with you to develop a customized solution catering to your unique requirements, with a particular emphasis on services like FINOP. Our outsourced FINOP services are tailored to address your specific needs, ensuring complete satisfaction. At BDCA, our team of experienced consultants possesses a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and skills needed to enhance the efficiency of your operations and strategically position your broker dealer for long-term growth and continued success. Broker Dealer CCO services: offers the broker-dealer community guidance on when it will consider charging a CCO under Rule.


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